Sunday, March 22, 2009

Time Line Part 2/Yahoo Group

Yay! Well it looks like my creation of my stories history/time line I have hit pay dirt when it comes to my entire story. I came up with it last night and wrote like a mad man. I am very excited about how this will turn out. I think now that the foundation is set up writing the rest of the story will flow much faster. I still have my work cut out for me in the sense of character development and still fleshing out the rest of the story details.

Dan who posted on a few of the entries let me know last night that he would invite me to his yahoo group. This is set up much like a message board which is basically a discussion group. So I will be posting story content soon in order to get some over all feed back. At this point as far as editing is concerned it's not an interest of mine. Anything I post for viewing will be up there to see if people like it or not. I need to know if its great, mediocre, or total shit. Hopefully by the end of this week I should have something up.


  1. I credit you for your bravery in creating an epic storyline, but my thought is that you are trying to really take on too much at once. It could become overwhelming, daunting and ultimately a wall. At least that is what has always happened to me when I begin a large scope idea like this one. I agree that a plan and timeline is excellent and a great resource to pull ideas and material from for your short stories, but it looks like you are bogging yourself down in details.

    Now that you have a bit of a working history, working timeline, go get into one of your stories. Or even if your timeline isn't quite complete, work somewhere you have fleshed it out. See if this is what you thought it was and see if you like where you are headed. It would be a shame if you busted yourself to get a large timeline and history together only to find that you were more in love with the history than the individual stories from it...

    I have always run into an endurance problem when I wrote. I was always ready to burst forth with my story and anxious to tell it. I never worked out histories -- sometimes a kind of timeline or outline of events, but usually I shot forward with it. Yet, I found I lost energy about half through my story and even found I wanted to write something different. I don't know if you have that problem or ADD like I do at times, but I am really impressed by your enthusiasm but I would hate to see you expend all that energy on research and background development versus actually telling a story. Just an opinion and friendly advice. I wish you all the luck and I am looking forward to seeing how things develop.

    You were missed at the baseball game yesterday! Hope we can go again sometime in the future.

  2. I'm trying to get everyone to understand my need for planning. I have tried many times to write before and a lot of times I get to a certain place do well for a while and then I give up. I need the baseline to work off of for this story. For story writing character development comes easier for me than a lot of over all story detail and content. As far as a characters story I do already have one characters story well on it's way. I know it may seem like I am taking on a lot perhaps to much at once perhaps that's the case to a certain degree but if the inspirations are there I can't just ignore it. However me doing both in tandem is also allowing me to constantly pull from one or the other.

    The time lines completion the most important aspect for the simple fact that this will be the beginning of the book either a prologue, introduction. Plus is most important for me to draw from. If I have historical reference points it will allow for the characters story and plot development will flow a hell of a lo easier.

  3. Alright, now enough conjecture! What is the basis of your story? Is it war, plague, aliens, exploration? WHAT? Give me a little idea of what you are attempting. IF YOU USE THE WORD TIMELINE AGAIN WITHOUT TELLING ME ANYTHING, I WILL COME OVER THERE AND BODYSLAM YOU RIGHT INTO THAT COUCH!! Just kidding...
