Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Good Idea

I have already received some great feedback from my wife and a friend. One element that I will do while developing each story is to have them run along the same time line, and also each character will likely run in and out of each others lives at different points. This device seems rather complex and likely difficult to pull off but something I think a reader might enjoy. I imagine that while reading a series of short stories I would find it interesting to see certain characters be the protagonist of one story in another story be a foot note mentioned in passing or only have a limited role. I have grandiose ideals for this series of stories but as long as the over all story is solid I can't imagine why it wouldn't work well.


  1. I like the idea of short stories intersecting. Perhaps the main character can have a minor role in some of the beginning short stories like he/she is auditioning for the role and lets see what s/he can do. Then later in the timeline s/he can become more important in character development and in the narrative.

    I am startint to think about a character with multiple personalities that plays different roles in different short stories; different clothes, different wigs, different jobs, different levels of authority etc

  2. Definately work with the characters paths crossing. Like we talked about Sopranos- it was HORRIBLE how a character, or plot line, would be introduced and then the viewers were left hanging- with no resolution, mention, or ANYthing of the character.

    We dont need to be spoon fed, but why take the time to introduce something to never do anything with it.

    Crossing paths will help tie the overall story together.

