Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sorry folks

I know it's been a while since I have posted and I'm sure some have lost interest at this point. This was a rough week for me so I haven't been able to do any creative work at all. I'm hoping to start writing again tonight or tomorrow depending on how I feel. Anyway thanks for stopping by and I will be posting again soon. Plus I will have my Yahoo Group up too and will email that info to people.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Time Line Part 2/Yahoo Group

Yay! Well it looks like my creation of my stories history/time line I have hit pay dirt when it comes to my entire story. I came up with it last night and wrote like a mad man. I am very excited about how this will turn out. I think now that the foundation is set up writing the rest of the story will flow much faster. I still have my work cut out for me in the sense of character development and still fleshing out the rest of the story details.

Dan who posted on a few of the entries let me know last night that he would invite me to his yahoo group. This is set up much like a message board which is basically a discussion group. So I will be posting story content soon in order to get some over all feed back. At this point as far as editing is concerned it's not an interest of mine. Anything I post for viewing will be up there to see if people like it or not. I need to know if its great, mediocre, or total shit. Hopefully by the end of this week I should have something up.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Time Line

I still am having a difficult time starting to write the historical story. So I have decided that along with an outline I will make an event time line as to create a baseline for the historical story. I figure the only way I can make an accurate history is by creating a time line with events , or else how would I write the story. The time line might even wind up being a story feature itself where each major event will spawn a new chapter or story within a story.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Well, it seems my original intention for story number one has been ran off road to say the least. Yesterday I had decided that the first installation would be a macro historical view of the universe in which the stories will take place. I have a few pages written but instead of a history its the first setting with the first characters introduction. I guess in like in any creative process if there is an inspiration it should be followed as to not lose what could potentially be a great vehicle for the continuation of the plot or the overall project.

One of my intentions for the character stories is to focus on making them people instead of hollow shells. I want my characters to have a real impact on the story and not just an inconvenient necessity. Forgive the cliche's but I want my characters to jump off the page and be larger than life in the story at times. In my opinion character development is as essential element to any story or book even if the main theme or common thread is larger than any one person. Also to this affect I need to consider my audience, which will be science fiction readers. To me, in this genre the characters are just as important as the nifty technology, galactic phenomenon, or interstellar war; but to much focus on the people can take away from the "coolness" of a scifi setting. Now granted this is a story or series, so I do have the freedom to make them as long as I want so as to include both elements character development as well as the stunning technoporn we all love in our scifi.

Another pitfall I would like to avoid in the creation of this is that personally I think that a lot of science fiction stories have a tendency to take themselves to seriously almost to the point of being laughable. There will be content that does require a bit of seriousness perhaps a war, an emergency, or some battle between characters or an inner turmoil focusing on one person but I don't want the stories to be so over saturated with one theme that I risk boring the reader. Then again if to much comic relief is used it might take away from how I want the reader to view the story. So I will see how this develops for me as I continue to write. All the good intentions, preparations, and outlines in the world I still need entertaining content and some self involved over analyzed crap.

Today after I exhaust my ideas about the first characters story I will begin the historical outline. I do not expect that the actual history will be complete until the end of the first few stories but I want to make as many facts, and events set up historically so I know what pieces of the puzzle to put where. Thanks for reading and dealing with my babbling, posts are appreciated or just shoot me an email if you want.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Good Idea

I have already received some great feedback from my wife and a friend. One element that I will do while developing each story is to have them run along the same time line, and also each character will likely run in and out of each others lives at different points. This device seems rather complex and likely difficult to pull off but something I think a reader might enjoy. I imagine that while reading a series of short stories I would find it interesting to see certain characters be the protagonist of one story in another story be a foot note mentioned in passing or only have a limited role. I have grandiose ideals for this series of stories but as long as the over all story is solid I can't imagine why it wouldn't work well.

The beginning

I'm creating this blog is to focus on my desire to create, process ideas, brain storm and obtain constructive criticism as well as over all feedback. I am beginning to write the first of a few short stories that I hope will eventually culminate into a novel including all of them. My desire to create this is based on the selfish need to have more palatable science fiction content out there. More over to contribute to a subject that has over the years brought me great joy in reading, and viewing.

This is a science fiction story based far into Earths future and will involve space fairing civilizations. Really original right? Well perhaps this well has run dry, but one of my goals is to reinvigorate the subject as best I can. However, how the hell do I create a story for a subject that seems to have an infinite number of possibilities but has also been ran into the ground for years. Another huge hurdle will be creating a unique story line while trying to avoid integrating ideas from movies, t.v. shows and other stories. I do not want to revisit many of the familiar themes, techno babble and ideas this is a distraction to readers and can be a huge pitfall in developing a story in this genre. I suppose this can be true for most if not all genres, but it seems to be pervasive in science fiction. For instance something like faster than light travel has often been referred to as warp drive, hyper drive, worm hole, light speed, etc. Granted there are only so many ways to attack a common theme or idea but the application of to many of those again can be a distraction to a reader.

I will begin this story by developing a macro historical view of the universe the story will take place in. So hopefully in the next day or so I will be able to post again with some ideas and developments for the story. So if you stumble upon this blog and care to post please by all means do so and in the future as this all unfolds.

P.S. No, Silliest Goose is not the title of the story. That would just be silly!